
Display any array, webcam, or video file.

display is a function that displays these in their own windows.


display(*vids, callbacks: Union[Dict[Any, Union[Callable[[numpy.ndarray], Optional[numpy.ndarray]], List[Callable[[numpy.ndarray], Optional[numpy.ndarray]]]]], List[Callable[[numpy.ndarray], Optional[numpy.ndarray]]], Callable[[numpy.ndarray], Optional[numpy.ndarray]], None] = None, window_names=None, blocking=False, fps_limit=240, size=(-1, -1))[source]

Display all the arrays, cameras, and videos passed in.

callbacks can be a dictionary linking functions to videos, or a list of function or functions operating on the video

data before displaying.

Window names end up becoming the title of the windows

breakpoint_display(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Display all the arrays, cameras, and videos passed in. Stops code execution until the window is closed.


read_updates(*vids, callbacks: Union[Dict[Any, Union[Callable[[numpy.ndarray], Optional[numpy.ndarray]], List[Callable[[numpy.ndarray], Optional[numpy.ndarray]]]]], List[Callable[[numpy.ndarray], Optional[numpy.ndarray]]], Callable[[numpy.ndarray], Optional[numpy.ndarray]], None] = None, fps_limit=inf, size=(-1, -1), end_callback: Callable[[], bool] = <function <lambda>>, blocking=True)[source]

Read back all updates from the requested videos.

Example usage: >>> from examples.videos import test_video >>> f = 0 >>> for f, r in enumerate(read_updates(test_video, end_callback=lambda :f==2)): … print(f”Frame:{f}. Array:{r}”)


class Crop(output_size=(64, 64, 3), center=None)[source]

A callback class that will return the input array cropped to the output size. N-dimensional.

property center

Get the center.


Move the mouse to move where the crop is from on the original image.

property output_size

Get the output size.

class Barrel(use_bleed=False, barrel_power=1, pincushion_power=1, zoom=1, center=None)[source]

A barrel lens distortion callback.

property barrel_power

Guarded barrel power. Avoids divide by zero conditions.

property center

Guarded get center. Limits to within input.


Enable the default mouse controls.

Move the mouse to center the image scroll to increase/decrease barrel ctrl+scroll to increase/decrease zoom

property zoom

Guarded zoom. Avoids divide by zero conditions.

class SelectChannels(selected_channels: Iterable[int] = None)[source]

Select channels to display from an array with too many colors.


selected_channels – the list of channels to display.


Enable mouse control.

Alt+Scroll to increase/decrease channel 2. Shift+Scroll to increase/decrease channel 1. Ctrl+scroll to increase/decrease channel 0.