
Display any array, webcam, or video file.

display is a function that displays these in their own windows.

display(*vids, callbacks: Union[Dict[Any, Union[Callable[[numpy.ndarray], Optional[numpy.ndarray]], List[Callable[[numpy.ndarray], Optional[numpy.ndarray]]]]], List[Callable[[numpy.ndarray], Optional[numpy.ndarray]]], Callable[[numpy.ndarray], Optional[numpy.ndarray]], None] = None, window_names=None, blocking=False, fps_limit=inf, size=(-1, -1), silent=False)[source]

Display all the arrays, cameras, and videos passed in.

callbacks can be a dictionary linking functions to videos, or a list of function or functions operating on the video

data before displaying.

Window names end up becoming the title of the windows

breakpoint_display(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Display all the arrays, cameras, and videos passed in. Stops code execution until the window is closed.

read_updates(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Read back all frame updates and yield a list of frames. List is empty if no frames were read.


class SubscriberWindows(window_names: Iterable[str] = ('displayarray',), video_sources: Iterable[Union[str, int]] = (0,), callbacks: Optional[List[Callable[[numpy.ndarray], Any]]] = None, silent: bool = False)[source]

Windows that subscribe to updates to cameras, videos, and arrays.


Add a callback for this class to apply to videos.


Add another source for this class to display.


Add another window for this class to display sources with. The name will be the title.


Update the window continuously while blocking the outer program.


Close all threads. Should be used with non-blocking mode.

handle_keys(key_input: int)[source]

Capture key input for the escape function and passing to key control subscriber threads.

handle_mouse(event, x, y, flags, param)[source]

Capture mouse input for mouse control subscriber threads.


Continually update window frame. OpenCV only allows this in the main thread.

update(arr: numpy.ndarray = None, id: str = None)[source]

Update window frames once. Optionally add a new input and input id.


Update the windows with the newest data for all frames.


Update window frames in a loop until they’re actually updated. Useful for waiting for cameras to init.